I finally sent my DS' WISC report to his principal and his teacher. I got a response from the principal one day later. She's already talked to DS' teacher and sounded like they've already come up with some kind of plan.

We set up a time to meet this Friday. She asked if I am Ok with him to take the grade 2 MAP test on math before we meet because they want to have a more updated information on math abilities. I agreed. DS told me that a teacher (I believe is the special ed/gifted teacher) asked him to do some math questions (additions and subtractions) yesterday. He'll probably take the MAP test in the next couple of days.

I am happy that the school responded quickly on this matter. I am not 100% sure if they already have a plan in mind or will be discussing different options with me and ask for my suggestions. Either way, I hope they are flexible with the plan and the plan will truly work for my DS.