I finally met with my DS7's principal and his teacher yesterday. The math specialist wasn't able to come but she's well aware what's going on and will be updated with our meeting results.

My DS tested at middle of third grade level on the winter MAP test for grade 2-5 and envision 2.0 (new math curriculum our school district is using). Before the meeting, the principal and the math specialist have already come up with a general plan on what DS should be focusing on for enrichment for the rest of the year and in second grade. He will be pulled out to work with the specialist every day during regular class time (and possibly with two other kids who tested well on the first grade MAP test) for the remainder of the year. He'll be focusing on 2nd/3rd grade math vocabulary, breaking down thinking in multiple steps, providing explanations and justifying his answers. I think this is more in-line with the common core requirement. They are planning on starting this plan on Feb. 8 and run it for 6-8 weeks then reevaluate at that time. If it's going well, we will stick to it for the rest of the school year.

Starting in second grade, they'll try to match his classroom schedule with the third grade challenged math class so he can go to that class. If he has a really good Fall MAP test score in 2nd grade and CogAT score, he could go to advanced math in the mid-year (advanced is one grade ahead where challenged is half grade ahead).

When he's in third grade, I am not sure how they will work this out as the 4th and 5th grade are in another building more than 5 minutes driving distance. I am thinking if he's in the advanced math, they could probably give him 5th grade math to do. It sounds like the school is flexible in these plans so when it comes down to it, I am sure we'll have a good plan put in place.

As for LA, DS' teacher feels confident that she can provide him with the appropriate level books to read and help him with writing. They do have third grade advanced LA so we'll see if he can get in when he's in third grade.

Overall, I am pretty happy with the plan. I believe besides the math specialist and DS' teacher, the principal also discussed the situation with the gifted and learning center people at the district. Everyone is on board with this individual learning plan (ILP). They will also see if the other two kids' level is similar to my DS so they can be on the same plan. If this happens, it would be even ideal as on the social side, DS won't feel alone and isolated on this.

They will provide us some online math problem links that we can work on at home. I am also planning on having my DS taking the Singapore Math classes at home.

Overall, this is a positive experience for me. Thank you everyone for sharing your experience and advice. I felt much more confident and equipped when going to the meeting.

Last edited by ajinlove; 01/29/16 11:40 AM.