Originally Posted by sydness
I'm really not sure how much I believe those vision therapy people who said that the reason she couldn't see distance was because she was over focusing close up causing her eyes to weaken. But she clearly needed the distance glasses 6 months later.

Just thought I'd pipe in that young kids can work really hard to focus, and it can lead to weakness in one or both eyes (things like strabismus and amblyopia). When you give them glasses, they finally don't have to work so hard, and after a while, you might think the eyes have gotten weaker because they can't really see without the glasses any more. But what really happened is the eyes aren't having to work so hard, they let the glasses do some of the work. Hopefully it means fewer headaches from eye strain, and no mis-aligned eyes.

Just wanted to reassure you that wearing glasses likely didn't make her eyes weaker. At least, that is what the several doctors (both ophthalmologists and optometrists) I have dealt with for myself and my kids have said over the years. :-) My DD actually wore far-sighted glasses for a year at age 6, and then didn't need them any more -- developmentally her eyes strengthened. DS, however, has a very strong far-sighted Rx, and has since he was just over a year old.