Originally Posted by sydness
How is the ballet going? My big kid is very serious now and thinking about going to conservatory of some sort. I am not letting her because the poor academics.

That's wonderful that your dd has continued her ballet and is serious about it! y dds both gave up ballet - older dd discovered tap and other dance which had a lot of motion and she preferred it, ballet didn't work for her, she needed something that allowed much more energy release and motion smile Youngest dd had been serious about it but then discovered gymnastics and that is now her life. My older dd is one of those kids who's not incredibly passionate about anything (although she does have sports she loves), younger dd is just simply quite obsessed about gymnastics and it's tough dealing with the amount of time it takes away from everything else, academics in particular.

Your boy sounds similar to my girl. It makes me very sad for them. These smart little brilliant minds - and people look at them sideways for being slow, or whatever.

I don't find myself feeling sad for my ds at all - he has a very happy life and he's able to participate in most things he really wants to. He's in a rigorous academic program in hs with other gifted students - he has accommodations but they don't define him or his day. He isn't going to be a prodigy in sports or music but he participates in both and enjoys both. He may never "get over" DCD/etc but he has grown in the things that I think matter most to *all* of my children in life - he's kind, he's got a great sense of humor, and he has self confidence. That last part is *huge* - he struggled with self-confidence for a long time. I think we were very lucky in that we were able to find a school for him for middle school where he was accepted for who he is (the challenged part and the braniac part), and where he had teachers who were interested as much in supporting growth in character as they were in academic knowledge.

It's tough seeing our kids struggle with challenges, but those same challenges can also eventually lead to tremendous strengths. Hang in there - things will be ok! And you're doing exactly what you need to do - thinking through the questions, figuring out the path ahead. Your dd will be fine smile

Best wishes,


Last edited by polarbear; 02/29/16 07:11 AM.