Thanks all - I really needed the support so I appreciate your help. I've had some time to think about everything and so now I'm trying to look at the upside.

Luckily he has enough going on in his own little world that this isn't as painful as it would be for my daughter (who is very social). And I thought about it and I would rather have a kid who is left out in the cold in elementary because he has big thoughts than force him to conform or hide who he is. He does have poor social skills - but they aren't as bad as they could be and I learned them and he can too. The main problem is that he is at a school where they have decided what he is and so unless he suddenly won a million dollars and started handing out checks his social status isn't probably going to change..but the good news is this is his last year there.

But I appreciate hearing what has worked for you, it's very helpful and I will try to apply anything that might help him going forward. I just want him to find a couple of friends. I want him to have confidence and self esteem. But I don't want him to lose what makes him unique. He is amazing and I am blessed to get a chance to raise this kid. It's just hard when his peers don't see how super cool he is.