Schools don't always notice issues. I started asking about DS's handwriting in SK. I was told it was 'normal' for boys to struggle with it at that age (the teachers did work with him on pencil grip). I also asked in grade 1 - was told he was normal. Finally we did a private OT evaluation and discovered he has DCD (developmental coordination disorder). So he basically struggles with both fine and gross motor skills - school didn't notice any of it. (We are still on a waiting list for a school OT evaluation!)

I also asked his teachers about his problems with reading - he could decode and understand everything fine, but when reading longer text he would skip words, lose his place on the page, and then give up. His teachers told me that was normal, but something felt wrong to me. Had him tested for convergence issues, and now we are doing vision therapy. He now picks up books on his own and reads - not as much as DD, but more than before.

My DS also struggles with understanding personal space - it may be partly vision issues and partly that he doesn't seem to know where parts of his body are sometimes.

If you feel something is off, you are right to have him assessed.