Thanks Portia and aeh. I should probably elaborate on a few of the issues.

Physical - Although my husband and I both notice the tonal issues, the school does not seem to think he has any problems. They in fact say that he's middle of the class in gym.
sleep issues - The bedwetting is not the only issue here. He acts like he's sleep walking whenever we try to wake him up during the night.
Anxiety - He has always been an anxious and a very self conscious child. He's very sensitive to criticism.
Social - He does not know how to play with the other kids. He has a strange sense of humor and laughs too long and too hard at things that are not funny. He is not aware of what he's doing and when the other children respond negatively to him he places the blame on them not realizing that he started the whole thing.
His issues are not easily noticeable. It only happens in certain settings (socially with older kids and overstimulated).
Could all these just be asynchronous development in a gifted child? Or is there something else going on?
Thank you once again for the reply. I am going to proceed with the advice to do the assessment at BCH, the above questions are just for my peace of mind.