Oh, Cathy, I feel for you! That is how I felt 17 months ago when we got our not accepted (rejection) letter. At that point he had hit ceilings on the IQ tests to the point where it wouldn't have been worth retesting and it would have been a really big deal to track down a place to do any talent search testing. So we waited and I tried to decide whether to try again.

DS took the ACT this February and the SAT this June--they are quite affordable and I was sick of paying for the expensive tests. Both were qualifying scores, so I faxed them in to DITD on the July deadline and tried not to think about it. We just got the good news today--DS is a DYS!

So, Cathy, don't despair. There is plenty of time for your DS to get more scores. This board is what kept me sane while I was trying to decide what to do. And the great thing is, the only requirement for being here is mutual e-affection!