Neato- thanks for that. The writing tests are in the spring (well they would have been if the ed. budget wasn't cut...DOE decided to drop them to save money according to local newspaper I read. Not really sure if I should address this to the principal since I'm sure they can fall back on the idea of it like skipping two grades and more writing in the GT 3/4 self contained class. We'll just have to see how DS7 does in the reg. 3rd grade class...his teacher seems to be on the ball and I'm sure would recommend moving him if he suffers in her class.
Delbows- Yep the school now goes up to 4th grade then they all move to the middle school for 5-6th grades. They separate the kids into color teams and it seems like the gt kids are in two different teams then they have kids who were in just the gt pullout go to different teams, then the average, etc. Guess I'll just have to see how the year goes...I'm just hoping it is better than this year.
All the best to your DD on the new school and to you on your commute. smile Thanks for the advice on checking out rules for the Charter school.