Thank you all for your congratulations. smile
delbows- my DS7 goes to a local public elementary school and will be skipping 2nd grade. He will be in a regular 3rd grade class despite the district having a self contained gifted 3/4th grade program in another school. They were concerned that the 3rd grade gifted class would be too advanced (they said it would be like skipping two grades and they were concerned about all the writing which DS7 isn't too keen on...and of course it would be the first testing year for the writing portion of the state tests, which have since been cancelled due to budget tightening by the DOE). The powers that be in our district did say that DS7 could enter the self contained 3/4th grade the following year, but my main concern is will they be confortable moving him to that school since it will be his last year in the current elementary building? All that said I do like the 3rd grade teacher who will be working with DS7 this coming year. We met her and she seems very keen, approachable, and willing to challenge DS so I'm hoping for the best.
The Charter School of Wilmington isn't near us; however, I think if my son got in I'd make the commute.