Hey, my daughter is 2 and I started suspecting around her 2nd birthday. I always believed her to be bright-i.e. her attention span even as a young baby wold amaze people. But we moved and switched doctors around age 2 and she amazed the Dr with her number of words, that she knew how to sign, that she could count to 10 and that she put her socks ON in front of him.

There seems to be more and more of these moments where she just seems ahead. I'm not overly concerned with her label though.

Sleep wise, my daughter is a sleeper, but I mean that in the sense that once she falls asleep-she SLEEPS. but she gave up naps at 18 months and she seems to REALLY struggle to fall asleep. But last night I managed to get her to start crying without tears. I've never done cry it out, but she throws a fit for more books, but last night I let her bring one of her favorites to bed with her. No tears, probably just an hour of restlessness and trying to turn off her brain.