DD seemed very bright very, very early on, but so were other members of the family...we didn't think too much of it. By the age of 2 or 3 people started commenting...about her speech and vocabulary...the fact that she could read very, very well already (we actually used to sometimes hide reading material from her in public, because discussing it was just awkward). We were probably more concerned about her sensory sensitivities than thinking that they were related to her possibly being quite gifted (which in retrospect, may have been OEs). She seemed to also have unusual interests (astronomy, paleontology and history of the earth) and would find piles of books during her trips to the library to learn MORE. My mom and I would observe some moments of "what did she just say/do???" and would occasionally speculate about just how bright she might be (at times we were a bit shocked at how well she understood complex ideas). When she started school, we were amused that her homework seemed better suited for her baby brother, who was three years younger, but we figured it was probably somewhat easy for all of the students. Then came school testing for the gifted program and she scored VERY high on every required measure. We decided at that point to investigate further and we had her take the EXPLORE test as a very young 3rd grader. We were pretty blown away by the results.

I guess we were in denial at times.

Our experience with DD helped us pick up what was going on with DS sooner.