Originally Posted by Gingerbaby
1. When did you know (or suspect) that your child was, shall we say, different? What alerted you?

It's really hard to tell with the very young ones. With ODS, I wasn't sure until age 3.5 or 4, because I assumed other kids could learn the same if given the same opportunities. His rate of learning is what made it so clear he was advanced.

With YDS, I had the advantage of experience, but until he started memorizing words before age 3, I couldn't say for sure.

Originally Posted by Gingerbaby
2. My pediatrician has been rather unhelpful in regards to sleep... Please tell me that you went through this too! Basically, my little one is an awful sleeper. Short of cry it out, we have done everything I can think to try. I would love to hear that I'm not alone/crazy/a terrible mother.

I have a great sleeper (ODS) who often complains about being woken up by our bad sleeper (YDS). With the first, I thought I totally knew what I was doing and could solve anyone's sleep problems. I realized how wrong I was with YDS. Where ODS needs more sleep on average, YDS needs less. No advice just sympathy.