Originally Posted by Gingerbaby
1. When did you know (or suspect) that your child was, shall we say, different? What alerted you?
We suspected around 20 months that something was up (that's when he began recounting stories to us). He was not a particularly early talker, but once he started it was like he'd been practicing since birth. By two years old, while most of his peers were getting out 2- or 3-word phrases, he was talking in complete paragraphs and could recite from memory stories that we had read to him. So we noticed that he was advanced, but we thought perhaps he might have been because we talked to him a lot as if he were an adult. (Many of our friends were trying to tell us that he was way more intelligent than we realized.)

At 6, in response to some problems at school, we had him take the WISC. That's when we found out he was HG+ and our jaws hit the floor.

Out of curiosity, what is your DD doing that makes you think she might be gifted?

Originally Posted by Gingerbaby
2. My pediatrician has been rather unhelpful in regards to sleep... Please tell me that you went through this too! Basically, my little one is an awful sleeper. Short of cry it out, we have done everything I can think to try. I would love to hear that I'm not alone/crazy/a terrible mother.
We didn't have this problem as acutely as others have, but he would routinely come in an hour or two less than the typical range of sleep required by kids his age. (If, for instance, the range was 14-16 hours, he'd get 12.) He didn't want to be left alone to fall asleep in his room until he was much older (like, 6). Even this can be very frustrating, so I can't even imagine what you are going through.