Her other challenges besides ADHD basically include all aspects of executive functioning (planning, organization, task initiation, processing speed, etc). They refused to write her up as SLD as well even though she met the criteria because they said that her individual sentences are finely crafed (and long!) and she does not present like the SLD students they already service. I told them that she is gifted with a 150 GAI so she is not going to "present" like those other students. At first they wrote her eval like she just has a problem with "incomplete work due to ADHD." Ummmm, no, that's not Ok. I asked them to re-write it to be very specific that she has information processing difficulties. But yeah, there are other issues besides the ADHD. I think she is borderline dysgraphic but since she performs in the average range on tests like the WIAT and WJ they will not classify her as that. They ignored her TOWL-4 result, done as part of our IEE, where the "story" was unscorably bad, claiming that it is not an acceptable test (even though it's in the State SLD manual). To them it's all about individual sentences, but they do admit that she has a problem with organization and extended writing.

I don't have a final IEP, or even a draft, so it's possible they will put in something more specific about what they expect from her in terms of written expression (i.e. what is a paragraph).

I want to pick my battles though since I'm sure I already come across as crazy.