I would be very careful with who you choose for an ASD screen. I took DS to a major university and the neuropsych said that a lot of quirky but neurotypical kids are misdiagnosed ASD based on superficial characteristics. DS had those characteristics--flapping hands when excited, strange voice prosody, minimal eye contact with strangers, the stereotypical abnormal math calculation ability (he could multiply and divide in K), etc. If the guy has this blanket view of acceleration being bad, how competent can he really be? The school also tried to give me a referral to a psychologist for assessment (they refused to do their own eval, but told me to get my own), and when I talked to the pediatrician about the psychology clinics on the list, she refused to give a referral, claiming they are quacks and "diagnose everyone with ASD." I would probably run the other direction. A reputable hospital clinic or University clinic would probably be a better choice.