Originally Posted by Irena
Originally Posted by bluemagic
He was in the gifted/high accelerated self contained class at our school. The entire class skipped 4rd grade math & was working on 5th grade math. (Back when it was a different curriculum that spiraled.. now they do a compressed class.) This class was notorious for it's HUGE homework load... the teacher sent ALL math practice work home as homework rather than a combined seatwork/homework.

2) My DS has low processing speed

So, this is very much our situation. It's the same class! - i.e.,The entire class skipped 4th grade math & is on 5th grade math and the curriculum does spiral. my son also has low processing speed.
Don't have a lot of advice since I buried my head in the sand in regards to this. We were having more problems with writing assignments and DS never complained about the math homework. I did complain about the general level of homework overall.

My only suggesting is talking with the teacher about DS being required to do only half the homework and completing the rest only if the homework takes less than say 30 minutes. Suggest he do every other problem and assure her you will re-evaluate if his test scores don't stay high.

I suggest you have him do him math homework in the evening when you can observe & look over the assignment a few times. Have him to half of the work and write the teacher a note. (Make sure a few problems of each type & more difficult problems are attempted.) If he has a 504/IEP call in the resource teacher & have them change his accommodations to put in a line item specifically for this. If you aren't getting any love from the teacher push this higher, check with other parents to see if you aren't alone. Sometimes if it's a group of parents complaining about something like this you have more leverage.

Good Luck.