FWIW, DD13 went through VT when she was in second grade. The school psychologist recommended having DD's vision evaluated. We went to our optometrist who said that DD's eyes did not work well together close up. She prescribed reading glasses and referred us to a vision therapist. She said that this particular therapist seemed to have more consistent positive outcomes.

We did not see significant results with VT until DD had been going for almost eight months. Then something just clicked and her reading improved significantly. The therapist closed us out that month. DD had convergence and tracking issues. After things clicked, DD said that the words no longer "ran off the page" and almost seemed concerned that she only saw one image. Once her eyes started working together, her headaches that she had from reading disappeared. Once again, she seemed surprised that reading no longer made her head hurt. Six years later the results have stuck. Was it VT or something else developmental? No way to know for sure but I believe that the VT helped.

ETA: DD is still dyslexic. Anyone who tells you that VT will cure dyslexia is definitely in the snake oil category. For DD, it was much easier for us to work on helping her learn how to compensate for her dyslexia once the vision issues improved.

Last edited by knute974; 10/21/15 01:10 PM.