We started VT with my DS7 back in June. I was also skeptical. We did our best with the homework, although DS hated it. We went for appointments for around 4 weeks before the summer started. During the summer we went as often as we could, but with vacations and activities it ended up being quite sporadic. We started up again regularly in September.

I have to say that after the 4 weeks in June, I did not see a big difference. DS7 was able to do better at the eye control exercises, but I didn't notice any changes in reading or writing. However, at about the end of September, DS started picking up books on his own and reading them. I believe that he had had about 10 sessions total at that point. Before VT, he would read a bit then give up and ask me to read to him.

And last week I noticed while helping with his homework, that he was writing more quickly and fluently, and didn't tire as quickly.

Of course, these changes _could_ be developmental (and I'll never know for sure), but my feeling is that the VT is playing a part in the improvements.

DS had a re-check with the Optometrist and she said he's improved a lot. So, we're going for 8 more weeks and checking again.