Originally Posted by amielynn38
I think his ADD likes symptoms are a result of his OEs. His psychomotor OE is strong. He moves constantly, even while reading! He is also very intense. I would agree with sensory issues as well.
We are considering an outside evaluation versus the school one due to my hubs concerns of what he would like to share with the school.

I would seek an outside neuropsych evaluation, preferably someone with a lot of experience with ADHD, autism, and gifted. We found the most qualified people at a local children's hospital; depends where you are.

I would also plan to share findings with the school-- right now they're labeling him as "out of control", so if another label fits better that is not so pejorative, it would be useful for school to have that.

I will add that I don't believe in OEs. Usually that term is just a way to avoid noticing and naming a 2E issue. We found that the idea that gifted kids are "all more difficult" or "naturally intense" delayed our DS's autism diagnosis by several years, in a way that did nobody any good.

Last edited by DeeDee; 10/01/15 07:21 AM.