Thanks Pine, Yes, he said he loved Lego class but didn't like Taekwondo. He begged us to quit before things got worse but we thought we would teach him a life lesson, "Finish what you start". Well, he sort of taught us! At school he likes some things and "hates" others. Most of his problems are with being still. She would correct him and he would get the giggles, then move around more.

He does have trouble with social cues and personal boundaries. We've worked on this since he was little. He can come a long way since 1 year old, but not enough for the school setting. I am looking into Superflex or another social learning software. Or and OT.

Another thing is pushing. He thinks its fun to play hard and push. Ex: Game of tag, instead of tagging the other kid, he pushes. He's strong for his age. He already has two "marks" against him, at school, about pushing. They said one more and he gets a referral. Not sure the punishment with a referral but we want to avoid it.