Oh dear-- you have my sympathies. I was predicting the rest of your post right about:

But I thought he had been slowly working on this homework for the past 3 weeks.

Sort of how I anticipated that DD was slowly working, having "stretched herself" to choose a project for English Lit that was going to be a serious challenge...

Instead, she then proceeded to freak out that she didn't know HOW to do the execution of the project...

so she ignored it until 3 days before it was due. eek While she was otherwise SUPER over-scheduled. Yes, this was nearly an all-nighter, with me yelling at her about what a thoroughly dumb decision it had been to choose "yes, I'll challenge myself" and then fail to follow through, or-- you know-- ask for help.

On the other hand, the final result was SO cool that the professor BEGGED to keep it. {sigh}

Perfectionists-- gotta love 'em. When you aren't tearing your hair out, of course. tired

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.