My DS16 starts school in two days. He has known since June that he has had AP Biology homework and was already freaking out about it. He was away at camp and vacation for a majority of the summer. But I thought he had been slowly working on this homework for the past 3 weeks. (He was in band camp for two of them.) Last night at bedtime he tells me in a panic that he still had TONS to do. Seems he has managed to get through not quite 1 chapter out of 5. The job is to read 5 chapters of the end of the book (stuff the class won't get to but will be on the AP) and fill out questions/outline for those chapters.

Over the summer he has become even more stubborn that he will do things BY HIMSELF and doesn't need any help. Very normal for a teenager and I've mostly be happy about this. So today instead of what I had planned I'm going to be babysitting his studying the next few days. The only help he wants from me is to nag him. At least it does seems like he is taking my suggestion of trying to read the whole chapter once first, and then attack the questions. ARGG..

Like in the past part of the issue is his perfectionism and overanalysis of the questions. He claims he needs his laptop to answer the questions. When I snuck a look at the homework I can't see anywhere that he needs outside sources. This is supposed to be a study guide for him, I doubt the teacher will grade this in too much detail expect that it is completed. I'm worried that this will continue to happen in this class and that he would be a lot more successful if he took AP Physics instead.

P.S. And last night I was being amused that he was engrosed in reading "Much Ado About Nothing" after watching three versions of the play this weekend.

Last edited by bluemagic; 08/24/15 09:46 AM.