In addition to all the great ideas above, some kids may feel most secure if their families have "emergency preparedness" kits. The American Red Cross, which specializes in disaster relief volunteerism, offers suggestions on its website, including tips for building a preparedness kit, to "be Red Cross ready".

There are other companies, such as Living Rational which sell pre-packed "survival kits", water purification supplies, toileting supplies, etc.

Basically if a family thinks of being without everyday conveniences such as automatically provided power, water, and communication services... for example, imagine an impromptu camping trip in bad weather... they can gather those items which they would need or benefit from having until the normal power, water, and communications can be restored. All these things can be placed into their emergency preparedness kit. Taking kids camping may help prepare them for any possible future disruption of the conveniences of everyday life.

The United States Census Bureau's American Housing Survey (AHS) collects and provides data on Emergency Preparedness, including an infographic dated June 2015.