This is not a gifted-only issue, but I�m hoping I can find some advice here.

My DS5 has been in a natural disaster phase for a while. Being that we live in California, he's particularly obsessed with earthquakes and tsunamis. Unfortunately, he especially likes to talk about these things just before falling asleep, so I find myself talking it down more than I normally would. He reads the book �3D Earth� (his favorite!) a lot, so he knows historical data and about the ring of fire, etc. But I feel that he wants me to say that �the big one� isn�t going to happen anytime soon. I simply say, in a calm voice, that we don�t know, but that our city is reasonably prepared to handle it. Etc. etc.

[On the upside, we did have an earthquake last week that woke my husband and I up, but not him. When I told him about it in the morning (cautiously), he seemed more interested in the fact that it didn�t wake him up than the fact that there was an earthquake.]

Also, we�re visiting my family in Michigan next week, and in order to get him to go, he needed to be reassured that tornadoes were not going to happen in August. I said they were most common in the fall. I lied! And I feel crummy about it. But, I�d also like to see my family and I can pretty much guarantee that no tornado is going to touch down in my mom�s yard during our visit.

I'm not sure how to help him cope with unpredictable disasters without lying. Any ideas welcomed. As a side note, he is a super happy, silly kid, otherwise.