There is no local Montesorri school. Local options are religious private, college prep private, public schools, or homeschool.

Public: Did I tell you the story about the time I talked to the local gifted coordinator? She told me that if my kids really were gifted, I should start them on medication as young as possible since all gifted kids are ADHD.

Religious private: After 3 months in the kindergarten at the local school, my 5 yo son started hitting himself in the head, calling himself a bad person who ought to be killed, and other extremely negative behaviors. Tooks a year to get past that and he still reverts if too many things go wrong at one time. Needless to say, that isn't an option either.

College prep private: This is where we are now. Overall, they have been good with the kids. Among other perks, we have a private tutor working with the kids during the school day - and they don't have to make up classwork they missed when they were with the tutor. smile Not perfect, but nice....

The problem is that DD just won't cooperate and show her stuff in front of any official type people and therefore makes us look like liars when we talk about how smart she is.

You would think that with DS being officially sanctioned as PG, they might recognize that we aren't making this up..... But oh well....

Homeschool didn't work for us. DH stays at home and he and DS have personality problems when working too closely too many hours of the day.

Good luck on the montesorri school. I wish there were one here. One woman told me that if she had it all to do over again - if she couldn't do Montesorri, she would homeschool because she thought that those were the only two options that could really mee the needs of these kids.

