cdfox, that's not true. It's been a while since you were investigating schools, and you son has some fairly challenging needs doesn't he? I am guessing that you, like me, ask questions specific to your kids needs, so you may have been mostly concerned with them being able to deal with his behaviours in a classroom setting to really notice whether they were high output or high IQ or whatever. Just like I mostly care about (not) high output and differentiation.

For some kids, a classroom is just not going to work. For example, from Odyssey's website
While Odyssey Day School can successfully accommodate a wide range of learning styles and abilities, not everyone will benefit from our program. Children whose needs are beyond the scope of our services may be denied admission. In some cases, an interview, supplementary visits, or testing may be required before making a determination.

Sage: middling IQ, high output
Acera: high IQ
BBN: high output
Odyssey: normal IQ
Phoenix: normal IQ
Sudbury: democratic community, I wouldn't call it a school, but yes, it's good for severe ADHD.

It would blow your mind to know how many kids with high (including very high) IQs and other needs not too severe to preclude a classroom there are in this area, certainly not so few that a school has to go out searching for them.

Last edited by Tallulah; 05/03/15 11:17 AM.