Michelle, I would probably stick with the Neil dGT videos and Coursera topics rather than invest in TGC materials-- DD was rather underwhelmed with them at that age. They were much more dry than she cared for.

We have a small handful of them, but they barely got used. It probably depends upon the kid-- but your description sounds a lot like my DD at 10-11yo. If it felt too "schooly" then she wasn't having it.

We didn't ever try The Joy of Mathematics, though-- and what we did have success with (a couple of art history ones, and a world religions thing) we borrowed from our local library.

Bostonian's list from the previous page is still amazing as a collection of resources. DD tried most of them, and she really enjoyed exploring most of it.

We gladly endorse the Hewitt text-- it won't be enough for kids past middle school (at least not by itself), but it's a very solid introduction to classical mechanics.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 03/31/15 06:49 PM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.