Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for good online resources for basic beginning physics, high school-ish level. In particular, just for today, I'm looking for a good definition and explanation of the different types of energy (kinetic vs potential etc). I know all this stuff, but I want ds to have a chance to read up on it himself rather than listening to me explain it to him. DS would much rather see a picture or watch a video than read a textbook or long explanation.

2nd question - how do you find good science websites (or other educational websites) when your child has an area of interest without spending a ton of time and also knowing that you're giving them a good resource? Things were so much easier back in the dark ages when I was a kid and the only answer for a parent was "look it up in the encyclopedia!". IS there a good online encyclopedia we should think about subscribing too? Is there a preferred search engine for students in their teens? And for younger students too? Is there a best place(s) to go for videos?

Thanks for any suggestions!
