Originally Posted by polarbear
Things were so much easier back in the dark ages when I was a kid and the only answer for a parent was "look it up in the encyclopedia!". IS there a good online encyclopedia we should think about subscribing too? Is there a preferred search engine for students in their teens? And for younger students too? Is there a best place(s) to go for videos?

I used to read the World Book encyclopedia for fun when I was a kid. If I saw a recent set at a yard sale for say $100 I might buy it.

Encyclopedia Brittanica is now only online and costs $70 annually.

The best search engine for teens may just be Google with proper parental controls. A science web site for teens created by CTY
is Cogito https://cogito.cty.jhu.edu/ .

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell