Originally Posted by Cola
He aces tests but is a c average student for incomplete or missing work.

Also just an aside here - OT but maybe worth a mention for parents with extremely disorganized kids or students with other types of 2e challenges. Elementary school can be extremely challenging, but really working on developing those skills in elementary school (and beyond) will pay off! Try not to worry about the grades but keep focusing yourself and your ds (in addition to but outside of the talks re IEP) on figuring out what will help him get those assignments turned in and what will help him learn how to be organized. It may take a long time (it's still a work in progress with my kid who's in high school and who's been working on it since 2nd grade). But every bit of work you put into it will be worth it in the long run smile Truly!

I also wish I'd realized one silly thing a long time ago - for some kids who have issues with organization and getting homework turned in, there is actually a disconnect in realizing that if the homework doesn't get turned in, the teacher never knows that you actually did it. Seems really like an overly-simple concept - but my extremely high-IQ kid didn't really make that connection until he was a teen - in spite of years and years of us working on getting those assignments turned in!

Hang in there,
