Originally Posted by Cola
There is no 504 plan only an IEP in the works.

I wouldn't seek legal recourse at this point, but when you're making requests for accommodations in the IEP, use this as an example of why your ds needs "____" (you fill in the blank as you see fit).

He aces tests but is a c average student for incomplete or missing work. Their statement was that 504,s are for kids who are failing but he isn't so they aren't concerned

Actually, an IEP would be for a kid who is failing... because that would be evidence that the child needed individualized instruction to be effectively taught the curriculum. (Note - failing isn't the *only* reason and it's not always a reason for an IEP, just noting the difference between what an IEP is and what a 504 is). A 504 plan is put in place to guarantee that a student with disabilities has equal access to their education. It has nothing to do with grades or performance levels etc. What you need to do is to tie the disorganization evidence (work not turned in etc) to his disability (which you should have some type of evidence of - testing etc), and that's what you need for the 504. If you can show in addition that he needs individualized instruction, then he needs an IEP. The thing to do when advocating is to focus on factual info - what a 504 is, what an IEP is, what evidence you have for your child. Try as much as possible to keep the emotions out of it when talking to the school.

Best wishes,
