Just to elaborate on what aeh said, DS with his dyspraxia/delayed language had a large gap between VCI and PRI on both the WPPSI and the WISC, with verbal being a lot lower on both tests. I'm not sure if the test is not accurately representing the verbal intelligence, or if the verbal intelligence is actually lower (or measuring expressive ability much more than receptive, and maybe a different test which picked up receptive language better would be a better match for these types of kids). I guess it's not really surprising to me that a child with dyspraxia would measure lower for VCI on tests that really heavily on expressive speech, but is it really a fair measure of their intelligence? I don't know. He did the CogAT recently as well which also showed a gap but it wasn't as big. Whether it was just a fluke with that test, or the gap is closing, I don't know. But his verbal score has gone up dramatically from the WPPSI to the WISC to the CogAT.