Your post reminds me of my 10 year old son. My son also had childhood apraxia, and in addition to being gifted, he appears to have a lot of strange things going on (chronic tic disorder, ocd, sensory issues, stereotypic movement disorder(?), anxiety). He is friendly and empathetic, but also appears younger than his peers, more innocent /naive I guess.

When tested with a private tester he is highly gifted but 2e, however in a school gifted test he is not gifted at all. He also doesn't present as the "globally gifted high achieving child" that the teachers instantly recognize as gifted...luckily my son has a great teacher this year who has been very open and helpful in trying to figure it out, and who tries to protect him from other kids who might ostracize him for his differences, which as he is getting older only become more apparent.

After stumbling around trying to figure out what exactly is going on, I finally decided I have to try and treat what I see which is hard, because it is difficult to see because of both Es, that is the problem with 2e, they mask each other. But I think suevv is correct, you have to start with what you see. Labels only give you some place to start from. Test results can be different depending on the day, the tester, the type of test, etc.

It is wonderful that he seems to be outgrowing his challenges on his own smile