My DS is around the same age (second grade) and he also had a lot of delays and oddities, many of which resolved or greatly improved over time. Some of them looked like ASD--toe-walking, hand flapping, odd voice prosody and pitch, social awkwardness, etc. He has dyspraxia (developmental coordination disorder) and it affects speech and motor skills. Does your DS have any issues with fine or gross motor skills? Those often go along with apraxia of speech. DS did the WPPSI (or maybe just a brief version?) when he was 3 1/2 and part of the problem was that he was acting goofy and he was under the table, but his FSIQ was only 106. He was re-tested a couple years later on the WISC and his score was a lot higher. So when he was 3, I was so worried about him appearing behind with so many skills, and he is STILL that way, but he also scores 99th percentile for both math and reading. He was just accelerated to pre-algebra for math, yet he has an IEP and is getting speech, DAPE (developmental adapted phy ed), OT and writing. With my DS, I believe that therapies are going to help him make progress and he's not simply going to "outgrow" all of his difficulties. So that is something you need to seriously consider. If you are not sure about the "gifted" part you can always re-test on the WISC. The scores may be completely different than they were before on the WPPSI.