OP, it sounds like your DS has some autism traits, not enough for a diagnosis. I would also say a lot anxiety traits.

I found with my DS that he had a lot of traits at an early age, and in a year or two it may be enough for an ADD or ASP disorder. Not so at a younger age, because it's mild. I notice more issues as he's aging. Kids are developing where he is not.

I think that you may keep in mind that ASP is a spectrum disorder. It's not a "yes" or a "no." It's possible that your DS may exhibit some of the characteristics and these may become more debilitating as he ages.

I would suggest (at least) some social skills therapy and then some group therapy to assist with social skills etiquette. This will at least help him interact with peers and may mitigate his need for approval. Executive skills therapy may help with the perfectionism and flexibility.

If you have a speech and language facility in your area, I would consider it. It's possible as other posters mentioned that there may be a variety of issues driving the scores. However, when you provide the comprehension score, the issues with social interactions, and inflexibility it's resonating as a language issue that may be tied to global traits of HFA. I don't know better than trained professionals, but I wouldn't necessarily delete it from your radar.