We're still pre-teen in this house, so no BTDT. But it sounds like your DS is having a hard time seeing the world through other people's eyes. Yes, OK, some are idiots. But many are responding to their own realities in the best ways that make sense for them. And yes, it's possible that could even include pregnant 14 year olds - I am reminded of how often people on this forum have pointed out that if our children's behaviour makes no sense to us, then we have yet to get well enough into their heads to see the perspective from which, to them, their choices seem logical.

All that to say, can any of you who have lived with 14-year old boys perhaps recommend some good books for Cecelia's DS? Ones about people who make some bad choices, but help you see why they would choose as they do? Fiction might be easiest, but I would imagine there must be some good biography that gets into this space, too. Cecilia - could you suggest anything about your son's interests or potential role models, that might prompt some specific reading suggestions?