The teacher is obligated to teach the grade level standards. I suspect it's likely that the teacher's contract doesn't state anything about enrichment, devising her own curriculum to fit each individual needs, or anything along those lines.

Did the school psych really just say she needed "challenging work"?

I *always* take the perspective, whether true or not, that teachers always want the best for the kids in the class, and is working hard to meet every child's needs. But because my kids' needs are so far different than any other child's, it's asking a lot for significant, regular, meaningful planning be done for my child. I express this sympathy to the teacher. I then repeat this statement to the principal, school psych, gifted teacher, asking that the classroom teacher be provided with the materials and time to provide my kid with appropriately differentiated *instruction* AND *curriculum.*

The natural end with this sequence of advocacy for my kids has almost always been another acceleration. wink