That is tough, but I completely understand what you are going through. Is there any G&T or advanced programming going on at the moment - anything? We've had really poor experience with "in class enrichment/differentiation" I'm sorry to say - 9 times out of 10 it sounds great, but it simply doesn't work or flat out doesn't happen.

DD9 was in this position with a teacher this year (but the teacher was much nicer about it), and she ended up having a tough time with it when it actually came time to speak with the teacher. She is still 9, after all, and I think she had a hard time being as frank with the teacher as she was at home with me. I don't think she told the teacher what she told me. Still, I think the teacher wants to hear it from the student (yes, I think they sometimes just think it is the parent, which is frustrating, because I have the same thing going on with my shy DS6, and there is NO WAY he would tell the teacher what he has been telling me!!!). It is hard to speak up, even for a very outgoing, typically outspoken 9-year-old. My DD likes the teacher and this makes it even more difficult - liking the teacher and being challenged/learning something new are two totally different things. (Sigh).