We are in a waiting mode to find out if DD9 will be grade accelerated into 5th. Meanwhile, we have a dismissive teacher who I struggle with so my judgment about her isn't the best. Even the psych. finds her off-putting, BTW. I need advice on the following situation.
DD finally received a 504 for accommodations for her ADHD, (inattentive type). One of the accommodations was the use of graphic organizers. The school wasn't moving on providing them so I pulled some things together yesterday for the teacher. I also asked this teacher if DD could do some writing using the organizers during her free time (DD has LOTS of free time in this class and produces large amounts of drawings, sigh).The psychologist and I have been pushing for enrichment in the class so we figured this would be a great idea.DD could write about the books they are working on or other class topics. This was the response from the teacher:
"I would like DD to come to me and let me know what she would like to do and how she would like to present it."

Several thoughts come to my mind. The psychologist emailed the teacher weeks ago asking her to provide challenging work for DD, and the teacher ignored her. Now we have asked again for enrichment opportunities, and the teacher has agreed to allow DD to work on something other than boring worksheets. Do I come up with ideas for her that relate to the books she is reading in school? Where? Do other parents create work for their kids? This teacher has not given DD any challenging work so far. This could be an opportunity for some fun. DD loves to write and do research. How do I (and am I the one who should do it?)work this out? As an aside, when we first approached the teacher long ago about DD's need for challenge, she told DD to come up with projects. The psych. didn't like that much and told us that that was the teacher's responsibility. I don't know what to think.