Totally agree with the advice above - there's what *should" be, and then there's reality as we have it. It's important to keep striving for better in the long run, but don't let that get in the way of getting your DD what she needs now.

And just to put a little different perspective on it, having permission to create your own differentiated activities which can be done during class class time is in itself a major gain (unlikely as that may seem). For ourselves, even our best teachers have not been willing to use parent-provided materials in the classroom. If we want acceleration or enrichment, it has to come out of the kids' free time, on top of the 35 hours they already spend in school - ugh.

So the bad news is you're doing it all yourself. The good news is, your DD can take on some fun and challenging activities during the day when she's most awake and receptive, and that can help maintain a positive view of school as a place to learn and be challenged. There's my "half full" thought for the day!