Originally Posted by Mr and Mrs P
We are new to the forum, so please be gentle!

DS7 sat the WISC IV and wound up with GAI of 144. DH and I were a bit shocked! We knew he was smart, and read ahead of his current grade, but we did not expect this.

It has been one week, and we have seen nothing. The teacher admitted that she only gets to read with him nnce a week, which I find unacceptable, but we struggled with that last year with a different teacher to no gain.

Our question is this...how long do we give them to get their act together and provide him with what he needs?


We are only a few months ahead of you - we found out our DD9 had a similar score last spring when she took the WISC at age 8. We found ourselves on a steep learning curve about giftedness!!! The first thing I did was get on this forum and read, read, read. I bought books on giftedness and scoured the Hoagies website as well.

DD's third grade teacher did her best to give DD extra challenges and DD was taken out for AIG work although formal AIG did not start until 4th grade. It just wasn't enough. Once we discussed "giftedness" with DD she began to open up about how unhappy she was at school. She was perfectly behaved at school and hid the unhappiness well. BUT, we have seen her lose hope and have more behavior issues as she gets more and more frustrated with school (also the teacher this year is awful).

Our experience is that the schools won't do much unless the parents become squeaky wheels. I have read so many stories on this forum of schools doing nothing for gifted kids for a variety of reasons: ignorance, lack of money, lack of time, even unwillingness to help (sadly). We went through several psychologists until we found one that took our insurance and was willing to fight for us. We are currently waiting to see if DD gets a full grade skip. She is already SSA in math and has AIG math and language arts, but all that still wasn't enough (our AIG services are rare and weak). Getting a grade acceleration here is hard even when your child has wonderful scores on many assessments. You may find it easier in your town. Hope so!! As an aside, we have looked at many charter schools (currently all full) and private schools as options. Be prepared to do more research about schools if yours doesn't work!!

Finally, it is so wonderful to be able to share on this forum. You may find that friends and family don't always "get it" when you discuss the trials and tribulations of dealing with your DS's issues.