We are new to the forum, so please be gentle!

DS7 sat the WISC IV and wound up with GAI of 144. DH and I were a bit shocked! We knew he was smart, and read ahead of his current grade, but we did not expect this. He did test lower (scored 9) on Digit Span and Coding. The psych suggested that we could help him overcome that be working on things that are more challenging. He suggested working on non-academics that he struggles with as well (soccer, baseball)

We met with his teacher and the guidance counselor a couple of days after we got the results and were cautiously optimistic. They said he would qualify for the GT program next fall, but for now they could maybe look to give him higher level worksheets for whatever the class was doing.

The school uses Guided Reading and they benchmarked him at P, or early 4th grade. He tested on the Woodcock Johnson at reading between 5.2 and 6.0. His teacher said she would go to the library to find him some higher level books.

It has been one week, and we have seen nothing. The teacher admitted that she only gets to read with him nnce a week, which I find unacceptable, but we struggled with that last year with a different teacher to no gain.

Our question is this...how long do we give them to get their act together and provide him with what he needs?
