Originally Posted by Cola
Occupational therapist and psychiatrist called me today. They looked over his work and said they can't diagnose anything only recommend he see an outside specialist.

Cola, I'll second all of master of none's advice above, and add one thing - it's easy to get caught up in the battle over getting help at school and sometimes that can take the focus off of the larger picture - helping your child. Getting your child what he needs at school is extremely important and worth fighting for, but it's also important to acknowledge that school might not be 100% of the answer, and some of what your ds is going to need may have to come through outside evaluations and therapies. It would be nice to have the answers all wrapped up by the school, but that's just not realistic in terms of an expectation for most kids, not just 2e kids. We have had to put a lot of extra time and unfortunately $ into private therapies and advice over the years, but it was worth every danged minute and penny for us because ultimately that's where our ds received the tools he really needed to access his education and to be successful for the long term.

I hope you'll be able to advocate successfully within school, but also caution you - don't wait for it to happen. The earlier you can get the help for your ds that he needs, the smoother his long-term journey through the world of living with 2e will be.

Best wishes,
