Originally Posted by Cola
I'm starting to think that if he is not given directions as far as how long he has to complete something he will just sit there and not do anything. That seems to be the biggest issue

You've already received great advice above, but I'd add one thing here - don't assume that a child is sitting and not doing anything simply because they aren't given directions. There are so many things in what you've written that sound like a child with an LD, and even this is one of them - the ability to seemingly work without effort on one assignment yet be stumped by another, and the "look" of sitting and doing nothing. I can't tell you how many times I saw my ds with that look, and how many times his elementary school teachers thought he wasn't trying simply because he didn't *look* like he was trying.

I can't tell you if what you're seeing is dysgraphia or not, and really, it's probably too early in the game for even you to know. I'd watch closely while your ds goes through RTI and his evaluation and see if you can make sense of when he's challenged vs when he's able to complete his work. Also be sure to ask for a thorough evaluation for LD, not just tell the school he needs to be evaluated for dysgraphia. It might be dysgraphia, but there are so many overlapping symptoms of LDs it's really tough to tell without testing etc.

Best wishes,
