I guess I just want a friendly ear while I hyperventilate over here.

Things aren't terrible, just . . . not good. My child isn't happy. School is a grind. Homework is a grind. I feel like I'm stealing her childhood from her.

I've always secretly (or not so secretly) wanted to homeschool. I also live in a community with a lot of homeschoolers, and I know a lot about it so I feel reasonably confident in how to go about it.

The problem is time and energy. I'm a university prof, so I have somewhat flexible hours, but I do need to work. I'm also not a high-energy person in general, and I'm just not capable of pulling off some kind of super-mom thing. I could hire a baby-sitter/chauffeur type person (as is being discussed in another thread), but even 20 hours a week would pretty much suck up the private school tuition I've been paying.

I also have fears of my strong-willed child becoming completely unmanagable. I've been rather enjoying having a school that teaches her she can sit still and listen to directions and stay focused on her work. (I just wish they did it for about half the hours a day that they do.)