22B, the private school tuition sounds about right. There are many things that I would expect from a school - public or private - other than just academics. Most private schools near us need to do a lot of fundraising, even though they charge $30K/yr.

I think this depends upon where you live. I grew up in and currently live in a rather pricey area (though I has always been one of the "poor" folks here). When we moved to DFW area, I wanted to swim. It isn't warm enough to swim outdoors in the winter in that part of Texas. I thought I could just pay a nominal fee and swim at night at a HS pool. Folks there thought I was wacky because I expected every public (and private) HS to have an indoor pool. Turns out, the high schools there don't have indoor pools (or not many do). Where I am, you pretty much expect the indoor pool.

I know the pool isn't part of the academics, but I see lots of really nice facilities in the schools around here. People expect it. And facilities upkeep is more than one would expect. Especially some schools around here that have older buildings (by old, I mean some on the National Historic Register).

The single tutor, or even multiple tutors, is tricky. I know folks that have done homeschool co-ops (though not many near here), and that has worked well. Can you find a group of other parents near you who want to homeschool? Do they have degrees in different areas, or were they possibly teachers in the past? I know of kids who had co-ops in their neighborhood - they went to one kid's home for math, another for English, etc. depending upon the strengths of the parents. These kids went on to be successful in college.