Left a message for neuropsychologist this morning - hopefully she gets back to me soon.

DH sees the issues I'm seeing in DS, he just feels it's more "normal" than I do and thinks that DS needs time to grow and figure things out. I think that DS getting into trouble at school every day and making us stressed out every morning and night just trying to get through simple tasks is not something we should wait to resolve.

Good to hear the personal experiences and different opinions about OT, etc. For me, it was mainly the practitioner that turned me off. I gave her another chance even after seeing the "fill-in-the-blank" report, but it was the 30 minutes spent on handing DS fidget toys that really made me feel like it was a waste of time. Him playing with fidget toys in her office was certainly not going to help him.

The audiology appt we booked is at Able Kids in Colorado. Maybe after talking to the neuropsych I will cancel or delay it, but there were several hearty recommendations online and in an email list I belong to. Kai - they didn't have a problem with his age, and actually said it's good to get to the kids before they become too frustrated and start shutting down.