Originally Posted by Jklm
The biggest issues are inattention, executive skills, and social skills. He's doing fine in terms of academic achievement because he was light years ahead when he started school, but he is getting into trouble every day for making noises, being off task and distracting others in class. We're pretty sure his teacher doesn't understand him, so we'll be meeting with her soon, but that's a different matter...

I would like to get him evaluated by a neuropsych, but DH thinks it's too early. In the meantime, we have scheduled an assessment for CAPD because he really does fit all the "signs". I'm also leaning towards doing another OT assessment for SPD with a provider that was recommended by the LEP.

I would definitely choose the neuropsych. An OT will undoubtedly identify sensory issues, but will not be able to tell you whether they are themselves a cause or an effect. Even if CAPD is identified, there's no evidence based treatment out there as far as I know. And you may only be working around the edges of a problem, rather than seeing the whole thing.

A neuropsych should be equipped to consider all the various issues and put the puzzle together for you.