Originally Posted by aeh
Comprehensive evaluation is generally the better way to go, as otherwise specialists only see their little part of the elephant.

And while I know some people have anecdotally-positive experiences with listening therapy, I would caution you that there is negligible research supporting its effectiveness, and some potential for damage to hearing. It tends to be recommended by OTs, who are, I have to mention, particularly prone to fad treatments, as a field.

I definitely got this feeling when I took DS to OTs. One of them put him on a spinning board for a few minutes each week, and then watched his eyes shaking back and forth. She couldn't seem to give me a logical explanation for why she was doing this. Then they wanted me to take him for vision therapy but couldn't really give me good reasons for that either. Metronome therapy was done on both my kids. It might have been somewhat helpful for DD but DS never seemed to improve. I thought that the activities meant to increase his fine motor skills were helpful, like how they made him cut with a scissors, or made him hold a pencil in his fingers rather than his fist, but otherwise I just had to roll my eyes at some of it. PT for gross motor was much more helpful, IMO.